Monday, June 16, 2014


Holy cow it's been a month!  A whole entire month since I married my very best friend.  I can't get over it!  Somehow those thirty days flew right by us.

Since it's our month mark I figure why not celebrate by posting our bridals that I am still secretly obsessing over…. Our photographer, Tracy Hill, was a dream to work with.  Not only did she reschedule with us many, many, many times but she was magic behind the camera and got some of the most fabulous shots.   

I wanted more than anything to get a first look shot.  And that shot made me nearly pee my pants.  As I stood there waiting for the shot to get set up, staring at the most gorgeous flower arrangement, I realized this was one of the days I had been looking forward to my whole entire life.  The day my soon-to-be-husband would see me in the dress I had dreamed about since I was a little girl.  And that's when I started getting insanely nervous.  So nervous my mouth went dry and my heart felt like it was going to pound right out of my chest.

Looking back now, I can't even explain why I was so nervous.  I knew Andrew would be a good fiancé and tell me he loved my dress even if he didn't.  I think it was just that nervousness you get for any moment that you have been looking forward to your whole life.  And luckily thanks to our photographer, videographer, florist, and our giggling mothers in the background that moment was perfect.  

And if you aren't sick of us quite yet you can also check out our first look video.  Done by the fabulous Chase Busath who kept us laughing the entire time.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Honeymoons…. they are quite honestly the best.  And if I could I would take at least five more of them.  There is nothing better than having an excuse to do nothing but just sit in the sun all week long.  And that is just what we did.

We started with two nights in Park City.  We stayed in the most fabulous hotel and to our surprise they upgraded our reservation (perks of being a newlywed couple) to a room with a personal Jacuzzi on a little balcony that overlooked the entire canyon.  It was better than I could ever imagine.  A full day of good food, laying out by the pool, and walks along main street.  Then we were off to Cabo.

Neither of us had ever been to Mexico.  And after one hour of feeling completely lost and slightly swindled I began to wondered why in the world we didn’t stay at an all-inclusive resort.  However... by the end of the week I was extremely happy we didn’t, because by not staying at a resort we were forced to actually get out of our comfort zone and explore the city.  A city full of incredible food, phenomenal people, and some of the most amazing sights.

One of our first excursions was to “Lover’s Beach,” one of the last beaches found on the Baja peninsula.  The beach can only be reached by boat.  So we bargained our way onto a glass bottom boat.  "Glass bottom boat" was an extremely deceiving name.  It's more like a "one-little-dirty-slit-of-window-you-maybe-see-three-fish-out-of-boat," but nonetheless I still loved every minute of it.  

The ride to the beach also included a quick tour of the famous arch.  It was stunning. 

On Lover's Beach I discovered my really odd love for every kind of living creature as I became completely ecstatic when we passed sea lion rock.  And when we ran into a woman with an iguana you cannot even imagine how excited I was.  I was even more thrilled when she let me hold it.

I "took one for the team" and watched our stuff while Andrew cliff jumped.  

Cliff jumping = not my thing.  Blue water and flawless beaches = totally my thing.

That night we ate at what became one of our very favorite restaurants,  “Mi Casa.”

I immediately fell in love with the atmosphere.  Hand painted chairs, flowers pouring in from the ceiling, and lanterns galore.  It was the little Mexican restaurant I had always imagined.  Andrew fell in love with the sauces.  Six different dipping sauces = one happy husband. 

Wednesday was scuba diving.  And yes, I was nervous the whole ride there.  First dive in the open water…. EEK.  But to my relief it turned out fabulous and I was of course obsessed with the thousands of living creatures we saw.  

Turns out I am super photogenic underwater… NOTI promise I was actually loving it despite the look on my face.

The fish were EVERYWHERE.  And not the least bit shy.  They swam right up to us and most of the dive we found ourself swimming right along with the prettiest schools of fish you have ever seen.

The puffers were my very favorite.  I was OBSESSED with their wide eyes and lopsided bodies.  

And don't even get me started on the starfish.  SO NEAT.

Thursday was the only day that it was not 1203975234 million degrees.  In fact it was very cloudy and slightly rainy making it the perfect day to visit Flora Farm.

Flora's Farm was started by an American couple.  It is an all organic farm and restaurant located in literally the middle of nowhere.  But that is what makes it so magical.  An oasis of green in the middle of the dustiest of deserts.  

The food was TO DIE FOR.  Homemade butter, fresh bread, and hand grown vegetables.  I craved the lunch we had there the rest of the trip.   


and CARROT CAKE I couldn't get over  

Full of the BEST food, we nearly started crying when the waiter informed us that an older couple next to us had paid for our meal.  If they ever read this blog somehow THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!  

I loved the food so much I wanted to take it home and I nearly did when I stumbled upon their organic market.

If you are going to Cabo any day soon I HIGHLY recommend Flora's Farm.  SO GOOD.   

Early mornings and evenings were my favorite in Cabo.  Partly because the temperatures were actually bearable and partly because the views of the sunset and sunrise were breath taking. 

Not to mention the most delicious pastries we ate on our balcony every morning for breakfast.    

And that view from our balcony.  So fabulous.  

So cheers to our first adventure as newly weds

Can't wait to spend a lifetime with my very best friend